Thanks to everyone for your patience during the build-up to opening day for the 2023 Coffee League Soccer Program. The program starts this Saturday and runs until Saturday October 21st - with a break week on Saturday October 7th for the holiday weekend.
Each event will be held at the Field behind the Convent. There is plenty of parking in the St. Barnabas parking lot.
Each week, PreK and Kindergarten will meet at a rotating start time of either 8:30am or 9:30am for their 1-hour session.
Each week, Grades 1-4 will gather from 9am to 10am.
Soccer shirts are delayed with no estimate on arrival time, so for the first week, please have the students wear their PE uniform or an old St. Barnabas soccer shirt - something they will be comfortable wearing while running around.
Rules of safety include the following: All children should have shin guards in order to play. Cleats are not required or expected. Gym shoes are perfectly fine. If plastic spikes are worn, they must be soccer cleats. Baseball or football cleats with a spike at the top of the shoe are prohibited. So are metal cleats. All jewelry is also prohibited including earrings. Younger children can cover new earrings with tape, but the best rule of thumb is that if ears aren't pierced before the season starts, it's best to wait until afterwards.